Holidays are OVER!


*hears echo that drifts off into silence as crickets sing in the distance*

Maybe I’ve been gone a little too long. My apologies.


*retrieves bull horn*

IT IS FEBRUARY, ladies and gentlemen, and that means the holidays are officially over, and I can breathe again.

*Deep breath for emphasis* *grins*

In fact, I’ve been doing a hell of a lot of breathing, and writing, to make up for the craziness that summarized November, December, and January. It’s not every day I get the time (or the motivation) to type out 8000 words in two days, schedules permitting.

And catch up on some of my television shows like NCIS. Ever since I took up writing again, I haven’t been watching much in the way of television since it was either-or, and writing has always been a lot more gratifying than mindless media waves (exceptions include Almost Human, Grimm, NCIS, and Sleepy Hollow – in their respective alphabetical order).

My memoir has been broken into three parts now and heavy editing will be needed for part two, which is still in progress and nearing the end, but I have started on part three! Title is still pending, so hopefully I’ll wake up with an epiphany one morning if I can’t think up of anything. I don’t know if I’ll finish the whole thing in time, but I am bending space-time continuum to the best of my abilities for this feat to be accomplished!

Captain James T. Kirk has nothing on me!

*crosses fingers*

There was a BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION in January! It is NOT mine. I helped Bitworks, my Beta and Muse, celebrate his 30th birthday for the x-th time this year (yes, that’s what yours truly wrote on his cake!), and we had a blast with family and friends (who I threatened with slow, painful, and unusual ways to die if they did not attend the party hosted by yours truly).

Now, I’m waiting for the birthday revenge when my birthday comes around. I will also be turning 30 for the n-th time! And yes! It is this month!


On a side note: HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR. Welcome to the year of the Horse! (January 31, 2014)

Hope everyone is well, staying warm, safe, and bug free!

Much, much love!

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